The game offers optional in-app purchases. You can download Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP game from the App Store, where it is available for free. 3 new maps are also launching in this update. The version 1.5.0 also brings visual improvements to the landing page and performance improvements, which is always appreciated. 1M+ Downloads Everyone 10+ info Install playarrow Trailer About this game arrowforward There’s no victory like one against your rivals Feel the rush of competition in Command & Conquer. The update has also introduced XP and Credit boosts, which will help in offering a more efficient gameplay to the players.

Available emotes include GG, Greet, Oops, Taunt and more. Players are also getting emotes, which they can use to communicate with their opponents. Ge the best Downloads for Hack Mods that will allow you to get more free Diamonds, Coins. Available explojis include thumbs up, laughing skull, chicken and more. Get the Best Command & Conquer Hacks, Mods, Bots and other Cheats. With ‘explojis’ players are able to personalize the way enemy base explodes. With the introduction of these features players will be able to interact with each other for the first time in ways that were not possible before. The update 1.5.0 also brings customization features for the army, making it possible for users to customize unit skins, use emotes during the game and explojis. Today’s update brings new and improved events that includes War Games, Credit Blitz, Unit Blitz and Rival Champions. After you have updated the game there’s an additional 120MB in-game download. If you play the game, then head over to the App Store to install the update. The widely popular strategy game has gained several new features in this update. EA’s Command & Conquer: Rivals PVP game has received a major update, which is now available for download.